We help you fix your bike!

Bikehub Waiheke is a Cycle Action Waiheke initiative set up with funding from the Waiheke Local Board and now Auckland Transport. Bikehub Waiheke (first known as BikeBox) has found a home with the Waiheke Resources Trust in Oneroa.

We’re a community bicycle repair hub, we help you fix and maintain your bike. We want to keep more bikes in use for longer and are here to divert bikes and bike parts from the waste stream where possible.

We are a not-for-profit do-it-yourself-with-help bicycle workshop. People can fix, build and learn about bikes in a safe and friendly environment. We provide tools, knowledge and training for you and your bike. We welcome koha.

We aim to empower people, encourage skill sharing and promote cycling as an affordable, social form of transport that is good for the environment and part of a healthy lifestyle. We are community based organisation and our staff are assisted by enthusiastic volunteers. We don’t offer a certified mechanical repair service where you can drop your bike off to be fixed but we can point you in the right direction if this is the service you require.

Bikehub Waiheke is open every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 12–4pm.
Follow us on Facebook for up-to-date hours.

Cycle Action Waiheke organises events and workshops around Bikehub Waiheke, so come and get your tyres pumped, grab a high viz bike cover or patch kit and check out the workshop.

Get in touch:


Instagram: @bikehubwaiheke 

Email: brad@wrt.org.nz

Become a Bikehub Waiheke volunteer

Do you love working on bikes and helping people keep their bikes rolling? We would LOVE to have you join us as a volunteer, even for a couple of hours a month, to help out at Bikehub Waiheke.

This is a place to learn, so it’s fine if you don’t know everything yet.

Please send us an email on brad@wrt.org.nz or come and meet our crew at Bikehub Waiheke Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday between 12-4pm

Located behind the

WRT Sustainability Centre

1 A Mako Street

Oneroa, Waiheke Island

Protect your bike from theft

529 Garage

529 Garage is a community-run bike registration and recovery service. It’s free and secure and helps to get bikes that are stolen back to their owners. Widespread 529 Garage use has the power to make bike theft inconvenient and unprofitable, dampening the stolen bike market.

It takes only a few minutes to register your bike and is easy to do with 529 Garage. 

We carry 529 Garage Shields at Waiheke BikeBox so you can protect and register your bike. In the event of theft there will be a record of your bike, photos and serial number that you can share with police and others on the 529 garage database so it is easy to mark your bike as stolen and alert the network to keep a look out.

Check out more information about 529 Garage on the Bike Auckland website

Ask us about locks!